mercredi 10 avril 2019

GAME : Bubble gum

You had to have at least three people to play but an unlimited number could join in.Everyone would gather in a tight circle and make a fist with both hands and hold their fists out in the center of the circle. The counter would take one of her fists and tap everyone's fists (including her own) as she said this rhyme: Bubble gum, Bubble gum, in a dish. How many pieces do you wish?Who ever she taps last would give a number between 1 and 20. Then the counter would again tap everyone's fists as he/she counted to the specified number. Who ever she landed on had to take that fist out of the circle and place their hand behind their back. Then the counter would start all over again with the Bubble gum, Bubble gum....and repeat the process. Once both of your fists were tapped, you were out. And this went on until it narrowed it down to one-the winner.
You can do the same (less tiring) with your feet!



Choose someone to be “Simon.”Have “Simon” give a command to the other players.
If the command starts with “Simon says…” the players have to do it.
If the command doesn’t start with “Simon says…” and a player does it, they’re “out.”
The last person standing wins!
Ex : Touch your + " a part of your body"

         Actions verbs : run, walk, crawl, jump,  hop

Microsoft Sway

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