jeudi 28 mars 2019

Game : What’s the time Mister Wolf ?

What’s the time Mister Wolf ?

Mr Wolf may call a clock time (e.g., "3 o'clock"). The other players will then take that many steps, counting them aloud as they go ("One, two, three"). Then they ask the question again.
Mr Wolf may call "
Mr Wolf may call " Mr Wolf may call " Mr Wolf may call " Mr Wolf may call "Dinner time!"/"Lunch Time". Then Mr Wolf will turn around and chase the other players back to their starting point.

You can also work on this book to your pupils ! 
They will love it and it’s a good way to learn to tell the time in English.

dimanche 10 mars 2019

GAME : Duck, duck, goose

This game is the English version of "The Candlelight". A child passes behind the other students in a circle and touches their head by saying duck. When choosing to say goose, the designated pupil must catch the goose before sitting in the open space. It will allow pupils to hear a few English words in a game they may already know. 

The teacher can, in addition to the names of the two animals, bring some orders of the type "go, run,catch him"

Microsoft Sway

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